Articles tagged with Foliofn
Boost your LendingClub return by selling newly issued notes on Folio
Peer to peer lending can be both an active or a passive investment. On the…
How to invest with a Folio trading account at Lending Club
Many people get excited about peer to peer lending, but when they try to open…
Lending Club strategy: 5 simple ways to increase returns
A lack of strategy is one of the most common problems investors face on Lending…
Reader story #4: Meet Jason, a Foliofn investor from Detroit
In our previous Reader Story, we met Jack, an investor from Illinois who had been…
How to liquidate and close a Lending Club or Prosper account
There comes a time in the arc of every investment where things finalize. The money…
P2P Liquidity Project: Introducing the Sacramento Method
Today marks the completion of my eight month study: The Liquidity Project. Every week, from…
Sell your late Lending Club notes for fun and profit
The average lender, having opened an account and invested in a number of loans, will…
7 ways to find more loans at Lending Club & Prosper
I remember what it's like to discover peer to peer lending. This thing is realized…
The basics – Part 4: Final pieces
Part 1 – An Overview Part 2 – Lending Step-by-StepPart 3 – Filtering LoansPart 4…